8.1 Setting the scene
In her second term as Prime Minister for Norway Mrs Brundtland in summer 1987 neglected to present before the late King Olav V of Norway an appeal from FALK International's president Ole Ostlund to resume investigation of the "Kielland" case. Mr Ostlund had obtained technical evidence including metallurgical testing of material from "Kielland" proving the cause of the disaster to be sabotage by act of explosives. Mr. Ole Ostlund was in April 1987 given the honor of presenting the case in audience for the King Olav.

Due to Mrs Brundtland and her Cabinets negligence Mr. Ostlund returned from Houston, Texas to Norway, in order to persue this matter of great importance for Norway and the Norwegian people, postponing promotion of his own business.

Since then Mr. Ostlund has been advocating for obtaining support for reopening the case inside and outside Norway, and new investigation to take place by Norwegian Police authorities in cooperation with experts fom FBI and Scotland Yard.

E-mail to the Office of Prime Minister of Norway, of March 18. 2000 See. also FALK International Newsletter 02/98

Prior to leaving Houston for Oslo in September 1987, Mr. Ostlund had in writing asked for a meeting with Mrs Brundtland to discuss the matter, referring to his previous meeting with King Olav V on the same subject. Neither Prime Minister Mrs Brundtland nor her Minister of Justice Helen Bøsterud had time to meet Mr. Ostlund.

Den norske Bank - DnB involvement?
The same fall Mr. Ostlund's bank connection in Norway closed his and his Company's line of credit. Mr Ostlund and his business experienced at the same time boycot in Norway and in March 1988 Mr. Ostlund had no other option than asking for bankruptcy proceedings.

Mr Ostlund's banc connection at the time was "Den norske Creditbank" (DnC), today named "Den norske Bank" (DnB) which in the early ninethies became State controlled. Mr. Ostlund is holding DnB financially responsible for his and his Norwegian Company, O.C.Ostund A/S with daughter companies Skansen Marina A/S and OCO International A/S, ecconomical failure. The trustee who later was disclosed as a former DnC contracted lawyer sold out Mr Ostlund's interest, among others his Company's owner interest in Ila Stålindustri A/S, a mechanical workshop in Trondheim for "nothing". The trustee neglected also to follow true the Company's law suit against Stolt Nilsen Seaway for breach of contract on the uprighting of "Kielland" in 1983. Both matters of ecconomical value tenfolds Mr. Ostlund and his Company's credit exposure to DnC.

Mr Ostlund has raised a counterclaim against DnB holding the banc responsible for his and his business financial development. Due to lack of support and finances, boycot, unemployment, living on social welfare, mr. Ostlund has not been able to pursue this matter through the court system. For the last two years mr. Ostlund have been engaged through his US company OCO International Inc., USA, registrated under the law of Texas in 1987, as an independent instructor by a Sports and Health Club in Norway, making him able to pick up some limited income. Time has come to focus on resolving the bank problems. No doubt the Cover up operation which was enforced effected mr. Ostlund's financial power to promote the "Kielland" case as well as his own business ideas related to development of novel technology for subsea oil and gas production, i.e the "BOPROD" system.. The latter is being promoted by his company OCO International Inc.,USA. Mr Ostlund is looking for legal support assisting in taking DnB to court either in Norway or in the USA.

Contact is presently taken with a Norwegian law firm with international contacts. Mr. Ostlund's experience with Norwegian lawyers and legal system is however not favorable and it remains to be proven that this is the right support for this case. Alternative support from international lawfirms are hereby invited to state their interest when reading this. Mr Ostlund mat be contacted by e-mail: <falk@reality.multinet.no>

Managing Director Mr. Jannik Linbæk
The present Managing Director of DnB is Jannik Lindbæk, former Managing Director of Storebrand at the time of the "Kielland" disaster in 1980. Lindbæk left Storebrand in 1985. His successor Jan Erik Langangen was a former Statoil Manager. Mr Lindbæk was recently elected as first President for the Norwegian Chapter of Transparency International. FALK International strongly disrecommend Mr. Lindbæk in this position. There is no way Mr. Lindbæk during his time as Managing Director of Storeband (Storebrand was the lead insurance company for "Kielland") could have missed the "explossion theory". What Mr. Lindbæk knew at what time remains to be known. Until such information is known to the public FALK International can put no faith in Mr Lindbæk nor Transparency International fighting corruption in Norway, ref FALK Newsletter 01/98

Inquiry approach to Norwegian Attorneys (in Norwegian)
Det vises til brev til LINDORFF AS, se vedlegg file: 1974-OCO.JPG. Partene i tvisten er Den norske Bank (DnB), tidligere DnC og Ole Østlund. Tvisten gjelder krav fra banken mot Ole Østlund basert på gjeldsbrev pålydende kr. 11.000 med påløpte renter, og motkrav fra Ole Østlund med krav om erstatning og konsekvensskader. Gjeldsbrevet oppsto som følge av at Ole Østlund's lønnskonto ble avsluttet som følge av at banken stanset kassekreditten til Ole Østlund's aksjeselskap O.C.Østlund A/S og at banken ei heller fant å ville imøtekomme Ole Østlund's søknad om personlig lån pålydende kr. 100.000. Motkrav pålydende kr. 20. millioner med tillegg av konsekvensskader (kr. 80 millioner) er fremmet mot banken, som følge av at banken har påført Ole Østlund og hans næringsvirksomhet økonomisk tap. Bankens representant i skiftesamlingen unnlot mot bedre vitende å opplyse om midlertidig senere fast bostyrers innhabilitet, med den følge at verdiene og mulighetene i boet ble forskusslet, med tap og konsekvensskader for Ole Østlund. Dette anses å være kriminelt. Foreldessesfristen for økonomisk kriminalitet i Norge er som vites 10 år. Foredelsesfristen anses løpe fra forbrytelsens fullbordenhet. Fulbordenhet i dette tilfelle er tidligst å regne fra bobehandlingens avslutning i O.C.Østlund A/S, utlodningsdato 16.09.1991. Ole Østlund som styreformann i selskapet, har siden kort tid etter at konkursbehandlingen startet vært kritisk til bostyrers behandling av boet. Ole Østlund har ikke akseptert boberetningen. Følgende tiltak må vurderes.
aaa) Ameldelse av banken og bostyrer for økonomisk kriminalitet med begjæring om politietterforskning.
bbb) Følge opp motkravet med sivilrettslig erstatningssøksmål. Ole Østlund vurderer å overføre sine rettigheter i denne forbindelse til selskapet OCO International Inc., USA registrert i Texas. DnC's avdelingskontor i Houston, Texas er berørt i saken og det bør vurderes om det kanskje er mere hensiktsmessig å fremme saken i USA.

Tiden har frembrakt bedre oversikt over hvilke krefter som rører seg bak kulissene. Banken stanset i sin tid kassekreditten til Ostlund til tross for personlig anbefaling fra den Amerikanske ambassade i Oslo til banken om å se positivt på søknad om utvidet kreditt. Bankens daværende adm. direktør var Leif Terje Løddestøl. Søknaden om utvidet kassekreditt ble fremmet i forståelse med bankens avdelingskontor i Houston, Texas. Også søknad om kr. 100.000.- i personlig lån ble avslått av bankens kontor i Trondheim. Dette mens andre mer eller mindre fikk innvilget ubegrenset kreditt uten sikkerhet i den såkalte "jappe"tiden.

Ostlund 's selskap var ikke insolvent, men da banken stanset kreditten fantes det ikke likvider til å betale påløpte regninger. Ostlund forestilte seg en situasjon hvor bostyrer raskt ville se at det var verdier i boet til fortsatt drift, og dermed levere det tilbake. Først senere oppdaget Ostlund at bostyrer var inhabil og aldri skulle ha vært oppnevnt. det viste seg at bostyrer hadde vært engasjert av banken i en sak mot et av O.C.Ostlund A/S heleide datterselskaper, Skansen Marina A/S, hvilket bankens representant i skiftesamlingen unnlot å opplyse om.

I 1987/88 var fremdeles Leif Terje Løddestøl banksjef i DnC. Han gikk senere tilbake til rederiet Wilhelm Wilhelmsen. Wilhelmsens forbindelse til Brown & Root, både før og etter "Kiellandkatastrofen" er dokumenter på hjemmesidene til FALK International gjennom styrerepresentasjon i Brown & Root Norge AS.

O.C.Ostlund A/S erstatningssak mot Stolt Nielsen Seaway Contracting A/S for kontraktsbrudd i forbindelse med engasjementet av Ostlund som snuleder av Aleksander L. Kielland-plattformen våren 1983, er en av flere saker bostyrer burde fulgt opp.
I tillegg selskapets eierandel innklusive opsjonsavtale i Ila Stålindustri A/S i Trondheim som ville gitt kontroll med 60% av aksjekapitalen i Ila Stålindustri A/S til en merinnvestering pålydende kr. 225.000. Ila Stålindustri A/S sysselsatte på midten av 80-tallet ca 85 mann. Til grunn for oppstart av Ila Stålindustri A/S som tidligere var en del av Aker Trøndelag, ble ved overtakelsen i 1983 lagt til grunn takstrapport av september 1982 som fastsatte substansverdien av bedriften til kr 11,858 millioner med en realisasjonsverdi stor kr. 5,606 millioner.

DnB (DnC) Financial Exposure
End 1987, beginning 1988, the bank DnB (DnC)'s financial exposure to Mr Ostlund's operations was as documented in DnC letter of 01.02. 1988 approximately kr. 700.000 including credit to O.C.Østlund A/S with approx kr. 580.000 and daughter company Skansen Marina A/S, kr. 120.000. Security for the credit was given by banc deposit of kr. 200.000 which in end of 1987 was amounting to approx 225.000 including interest, and banc guarantee with mortgage in stock (sailboat) belonging to Skansen Marina A/S, value approx 125.000. In total DnB (DnC) financial exposure at the time was in total approximately 350.000 kr.

O.C.Ostlund A/S ownership interest in Ila Stålindustri A/S represented a far greater value, as well as the law suit against Stolt Nielsen Contracting A/S for breach of contract on the "Kielland" uprighting. Looking back it seems that DnB (DnC) was putting more interest in halting Mr. Ostlund in his endeavors than supporting him. This view is strenghtened by the fact that DnB (DnC) neglected to inform the meeting of creditors about the Official
Receivers connection with DnB (DnC) at the time he was appointed Trustee. Documentation of the Trustee's incompetence (in Norwegian "Bostyrers inhabilitet") is substantiated by his involvement in court action against Skansen Marina A/S.

The bad experince with lawyers, judges and Justice in Norway brings about the question whether or not it will be possible for justice to prevail in a Norwegian court. Several members of Norways Supreme Court are connected to the "Kielland" matter, ref. Rettssikkerhet. The posibility of taking DnB (DnC) to court in the USA should seriously be looked into as an alternative to Norway . As such letter of 21.05.1987 from DnC to O.C.Østlund A/S c/o OCO International in Houston, with references to credit application made through DnC America substantiates the USA relationship.

In his dialogue with DnC (DnB) represenetatives Mr. Ostlund mentioned the potential his and his Company's success in the USA might have for his Norwegian operations in the long run. As such Ila Stålindustri A/S could be the onshore support facility for future activity related to development and service on oil and gas fields offshore Mid Norway. DnC (DnB) officials obvious paid no attention to this potential. Nevertheless in 1989 Mr. Ostlund through OCO International tried to get support for the construction of the Draugen platform for Shell in the Trondheimsfjord involving local contractors including Ila Stålindustri A/S. Contact was made with one of Holland's most successful entrepreneurs at the time for management support. Mr. Ostlund also applied for refinancing of his own activity in Norway. The effort stranded due to lack of support in Norway.

CV for Ole Östlund (in English updated revised Sept. 2008)
CV for Ole Østlund (in Norwegian)
Testimonials and Compliments Ole C. Ostlund

Update Oct. 27th 2002: The dark side - Terror - Harassment - Racketering
Update July 1st 2004: JUSTISMORD
Update 30. april. 2006 Byavisa:
Update July 14th 2005; "Seierherrene skriver historien"
Update May 20th/29th 2005 "Surveillance - Avlytting - Overvåkning?" (last part in English)
State Capitalism and Corruption (in norwegian)
Rettssikkerhet (in Norwegian)
Update Nov 14th Unnfallenhet og korrupsjon
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