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mugu guyman i deynhere oh............. Hello, I've already found this site and I am extremely happy - it'll help me a lot to get to know more about Norway :) I love Norway and Norwegian skijumpers as well :) Greetings... Ps. Unfortunately my own page is still only in Polish but soon I will change it :) Magda <magda_brom@go2.pl> Mikolow, Poland - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 00:18:53 (CET) very nice site!!! for someone like me who has never been to trondheim but will go there for business next week and wants to get an idea... looks great, i'm looking forward. and i will be prepared a little bit better because of your site. thank you and, please, accept my warmest regards from munich/bavaria! norbert norbert alexy <norbertalexy@web.de> zorneding, germany bavaria - Friday, March 21, 2003 at 22:15:43 (CET) good job ! Loki <freecfhat@pisem.net> - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 14:19:08 (CET) lOOKING FOR RELATIVES.. SEND ME AN EMAIL RELATEED RELATIVES, Ole 1887, leif 1894, Karl 1900 Ole Christensen <ole@sgo.com> PALO ALTO , CA usa - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 01:08:32 (CET) mugu guyman <guyman@guyman.net> lagos, lagos nigeria - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 03:06:47 (CET) Looking at the pictures is making me home sick.Thank you. Elin B. Bjork <ebbjork@yahoo.ca> Toronto, On. Canada - Friday, February 28, 2003 at 20:30:16 (CET) We summered in Norway...Trondheim and Aure...visitiing my husband's mother and brother. I miss it terribly and it was a joy to see your Trondheim pics! The boys loved them too and now they want togo back so bad...Tusen Takk! Angela Nodland <nodland64@worldnet.att.net> MD USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 19:54:40 (CET) sweet kisses susi - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 14:47:42 (CET) me i done land here oooooooooooooooooooooo mugu mugu mugu mugu mugu mugu muguman <mugu@yahoo.com> lome, lome togo - Monday, February 24, 2003 at 12:08:14 (CET) Thanks for putting together such a nice website. Really enjoyed the pictures. My grandparents were both from Norway. My grandfather came from Trondheim, so it is nice to be able to have a glimpse at his homeland. Hope to be able to see it one day in person. C Firster <cfirster2002@yahoo.com> Richmond, VA USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 at 05:06:30 (CET) Great job! How refreshing your site! Everywhere I go in Norway, a body of water is there to refresh my eyesight, resemblance of my Caribbean outbringings! Helen Flores <neleh216@aol.com> Orlando, FL USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 03:27:22 (CET) Thanks, your page is great, in summer I will visit and live in yours beatiful city, thanks for more informations... Anja Mladon <anlumladon@hotmail.com> Vysoke Tatry, SVK Slovakia - Monday, February 10, 2003 at 18:49:09 (CET) guys keep offooooooooooooooooo guy <guy@mugu.com> lome, togo - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 17:41:32 (CET) Really enjoyed browsing through your site. Lots of information and an nice desgin. Keep going! Samantha Williams <willsam911@yahoo.com> USA, none USA - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 05:29:12 (CET) I am looking for pictures and or info. on the ships "FRANKLIN","TASSO","NEPTUNUS","VICTOR". Mostly the "MEWMAN" from NES HALLINGDAHL port of DRAMMEN to HAVFE FRANCE,"COLUMBO" to U.S.A.in 1846 Thank you Cindy CINDY DODDS <NEMECLLOYD@AOL.COM> TUCSON, AZ USA - Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 20:15:21 (CET) Det var jo en kjempefin tur gjennom de gode gamle dagers i Trondheim! A. Oscar Johnson <Juicer63@hotmail.com> Salt Lake City , Ut United States of America - Friday, February 07, 2003 at 18:48:06 (CET) hey we got da same name bro!! cool hosein mehdizadeh tavakoli - Monday, February 03, 2003 at 12:16:48 (CET) When I miss my home town and need a "fix" I look for pix and I found your great site. Takk for kjempefin side. Hildegard <scandi.pi@verizon.net> Safety Harbor, Fl USA - Sunday, February 02, 2003 at 01:54:14 (CET) I went once to visit Norway, is a beautiful country. I´d like to come back some day. Silvana <silvanadavila@hotmail.com> Guatemala, Guatemala - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 22:20:35 (CET) Your website is wonderful. I use it as a teaching aid in my classroom. Don Hennigan <dhenniga@esc18.net> Sheffield, Tx USA - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 17:00:55 (CET) I'm going to visit your country and Trondheim this year! See you soon and best regards Dominika Dominika <dwars@wp.pl> Toruñ, Poland - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 17:31:13 (CET) oboy pls keep off hereooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mugu.abj <MUGU@YAHOO.COM> lagos, cf usa - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 15:05:16 (CET) Just waiting to finish the medical school and visit Norway, my Sweetheart's home. This site gave me the best tour I could have had while sitting in my bed room in the US. I am afraid that I might not want to leave once I come for a visit. There is a feeling that I get when I look at these pictures. I simply can't explain what it is... Thank you for the great website. Pamil <psidhu19@hotmail.com> Bensenville, IL US - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 04:50:34 (CET) Will be visiting this summer. David Johansen <djsj@mchsi.com> Iowa City, IA USA - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 03:24:50 (CET) I can't yet visit Norway, so I visited your nice webpage. :-) Thank you for the little tour! Jagg SF, CA USA - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 17:11:40 (CET) norge...the land of my dreams...skal jeg noen gang se deg? sanda <pumuklina@excite.com> - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 23:19:06 (CET) A great website for a beautiful country! My ancestors were born in Norway and I'm still researching where and when. My wife and I are visiting Norway in September 2003. I can't wait. Just to get our Norway "fix", we visit the Norway pavillion at Walt Disney World (Epcot) four or five times a year. I love the people, the food, the history, the culture - every thing about Norway. Tussen Takk. D. Johnson <dbjohn11@bellsouth.net> Orange Park, FL USA - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 03:47:03 (CET) Very nice site. Beautiful photos from Trondheim. I've decided to visit this page because of Ski-jumping (07.12 and 08.12)organized in Your town ( Petersen is the winner-congratulations!!!) Marcin Sarna <trakehner1@wp.pl> Olsztyn, Poland - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 19:19:57 (CET) Just found your web site - always looking for information on Trondheim. My father Leif Eriksen was born there Many Norwegians settled here in my State of Minnesota, U.S.A.in fact we have more Norwegians here than anywhere else in the U.S.A. It means so much to find information on the birth place of my father and also my Mother whose parents came from Mosvik and Melhus. Thanks much for your pictures and information. Betty Betty Erikson Sadloske <sad_sack@juno.com> St.Louis Park, Mn. U.S.A. - Friday, December 06, 2002 at 01:55:34 (CET) Norway rules - I live in Telemark the best district in Norway. Jon Atle Johnsen <johns5@frisurf.no> Skien, TM Norway - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 17:11:43 (CET) thank you very much for this information about history of norway. It helped me a lot with my school project abou norway. Thanks. from Mette Mette Henriksen <mettehenriksen00@hotmail.com> Oslo, Norway - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 17:11:32 (CET) Such a gorgeous country! I was thinking that I must come and experience Norway..all because of this website. Then...I find I have no choice! King Harald and I have the same birthdate...Feb 21!! Is there a public holiday for my birthday I wonder! ~smile~ Veronika from Australia Veronika Ihlenfeldt <subSiren@hotmail.com> - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 18:16:21 (CET) Beautiful pictures. Makes me really want to visit someday. Thank you for sharing them vicki lexington, ky USA - Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 23:36:27 (CET) Enjoy! before the oil runs out ;0) Mark <m-h@talk21.com> London, England - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 09:55:05 (CET) i love your site. its really good, and the pictures are fantastic Shannon kee <shanke@keetek.com.au> Melbourne, vic Australia - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 12:18:20 (CET) great pictures James ALBERTA!, canada - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 07:24:32 (CET) My people are from Valldal...was looking for persons with name Hoigjelle from NI...har det bra Don Hoihjelle <donhoi@zianet.com> Las Cruces, NM USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 05:12:07 (CET) i love norway,ich hoffe,das ich bald gelegenheit habe die sprache zu lernen.da es sehr schwer ist hier kurse zu finden,wo man sie erlernen kann.ich war schon so oft in norwegen und habe den absprung von germany noch nicht geschafft. anja mildenberger <anjamildenberger561@hotmail. com> germany - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 00:12:04 (CEST) i love norway anja mildenberger <anjamildenberger561@hotmail. com> germany - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 00:02:43 (CEST) Trondheim was one of the most beautiful places that I have ever lived in. This is a lovely website,and it makes me miss my onetime home. Anna Tomasik <aktweg@cox.net> Roanoke, Va USA - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 00:35:57 (CEST) Hello...greetings from germany :) shopping-tour <webmaster@u49.de> germany - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 10:09:56 (CEST) Hail!!! Excellent website - some great images of the land that is Norway! Farewell...
(Sorry if this is garbled - it's written in HTML format. :-) Excellent web-site !!! I have really enjoyed and for sure I will enjoy my visit in Norway. Kisses, Alessandra - Brazil alessandra <alessandramorais@hotmail.com> Sao Paulo, SP Brazil - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 10:07:20 (CEST) Its great that I can log on to your site and see pictures from the city I was born in! Thank you! Fantastic site you got there! .........why o why did I leave Trondheim???? I will return! SLF Sandnes, N - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 20:18:13 (CEST) Your pictures are nice.I have liked them,put some more. Justine K. Ngulube <justngulube@hotmail.com> Kitwe, CB Zambia - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 23:02:17 (CEST) Hey, I love you page about Norway!! It's one great place, I know I've been there. Sandra - IP: NF Canada - this site is really good one cause it had all of i need to know a bout,thank you. mehdi - IP: <irangladiator@yahoo.com> tehran, tehran iran - YOU SHOULD ADD SOMETHING ABOUT THE CHURCHES OF NORWAY! ALSO MAYBE A PLACE WHERE PEOPLE CAN LOOK UP THEIR ANCESTORS! JUST A FEW IDEAS FOR YOUR WEBSITE. THANKS FOR THE INFO AND YOUR TIME. Bla - IP: <Bla> Bla, Bla USA - I just wanted to thank you for creating and sharing such an informative website. I was born in Olso, so it was nice to see the beautiful sights of my "home country." All who live there are lucky to live in such a majestic place. Candice - IP: Charlotte, NC US - Hi there, Just visited your website searching on historical facts on Norge. Thanks, this was very informative. Then I also watched the pictures and yes, that's why we love Norway. Thanks for sharing this on the internet with us. Ha det bra! Arie Arie Bakker - IP: <ariepaul@xs4all.nl> Sleeuwijk, Nederland - Nice page:) Eivind - IP: <memory_of_a_lost@hotmail.com> Førde, norway - Lots of wonderful pictures and information for a school project for my son. Would love to visit Norway sometime! Thank you for your help in completing his report. Connie Vaughn - IP: <conniejonesvaughn@msn.com> Stuart, FL USA - Hallo på deg du, det er lenge siden jeg har vært her nå, og jeg synes det er på tide å fikse opp litt på sidene dine ? Ellers så er sidene dine kjempe bra. Har du lyst på scooter da trykker du på logoen under ;)) ![]() Oddbjørn Rømmen - IP: <orommen@multinet.no> Norway, Doghammer - I enjoed of visiting your pictures. It was very good. Hossein Mehdizadeh - IP: <mehdizadeh_hossein@yahoo.com> birjand, Iran - Hello: I enjoyed your website very much. I have been doing a bit of research on my grandparents one of whom was born in Trondheim, Norway. The other was born in Grytting-Hadsel Lofter Islands. Am having no luck on finding that place. Joyce Zerr - IP: <jzerr@shaw.ca> Leduc, AB Canada - Norge er verdens smukkeste, land tak fordi i er så venlige og imødekommne. Kommer igen til sommmer. Fin side med masser af info Jesper Olesen - IP: <jesper@rummand.dk> Aalborg, J Denmark - Trondhjem Trondhjem att ä rest ifra dä !!!!!!!!!! Ketil Grötte - IP: Stockholm, SWEDEN - Hi!I just fell in in love with your country, hope visit Norway soon,probably must beautiful land in the world! A.V. - IP: <masquerader76@hotmail.com> haifa, israel - My mom and I found some wonderful pictures on your website to help me with a school project. Thanks so much!! Some of our ancestors immigrated from Norway in 1868. Their names were Jacobina Sardina Constancia Hansen (born in Oslo on 10/4/40) and Theodore Martin Luther Joachin Hessler (born in Skein on 1/18/43). Thanks again from SUNNY Florida!! Clayton and Jodi Hooks - IP: <jojo103@mac.com> Tarpon Spgs, FL U.S.A. - It is nice to finally find a decent web page on Norway. It is very wel written, with easy to find information and a multitude of interesting facts that I did not know. Keep up the Good Work!!! Jessica Moller Warmedal - IP: <jmwarmedal@hotmail.com> Saskatoon, SK Canada - Great info on Norwegian history! Thanks! Ian Ories Arlington, Va. USA Ian Ories - IP: <ian@ories.net> Arlington, VA USA - nice pictures, we will visit Trondheim soon... Tiina &Jukkis - IP: <jukka-pekka.tyni@luukku.com> Kemi, Finland - im 14 and i really love norway.i havn't ever been there, but i might go next summer.when im older, i am going to move there, after travelling round the arctic circle. lucy - IP: <norwegian_pixie@hotmail.com> st albans, england - Hello. I live in this lovely Trondheim. Everything here are very good except the weather. Love Bente Bente Vik - IP: <bente.vik@telenor.no> Trondheim, Norway - Jeg har det bare bra! (I`m just fine) Hvordan har du det? I`m from the land of the midnight sun (Lofoten) I want to have web adr. to salt lake city.........THANK YOU! ECJ - IP: <fatum@frisurf.no> Norway - I enjoyed browsing through this web site. Both of my grandmothers and one grandfather immigrated from Vik. I am trying to find out the year of death for a set of great grandparents Guttorm Botolvsen and Brita Hopperstad. Thanks. Russell Lee - IP: <leeabq@aol.com> Albuquerque, NM USA - This is great page i'll come here every day. I LOVE it!!!!! A+H - IP: - Hvordan har du det? Jeg heter Mark. I enjoyed your site and the wonderful pictures of Trondheim. I am a GREAT FAN of Norway and look forward to communicating with those living in Norway and learning more about your GREAT COUNTRY. Mark Bell, D.O. - IP: <mbell@ndak.net> Minot, ND USA - Hi! I am a scientist from Russia. Half a year ago I visited Oslo, Trondheim and Finnmark and absolutely fell in love with your country. I also like very much Norwegian literature, especially Ibsen and S. Undset. I enjoy visiting your site and greatly hope to visit Norway again. Galina Mazhitova - IP: <galena@online.ru> Russia - Hmm... Calkiem fajna ta strona. Pozdrowienia dla wszystkich. A i Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia i Szczesliwego Nowego 2002 Roku. 19.12.2001 Lublin. That site is very nice. So, for everyone Marry Christmas and Happy New Year. Michal Majewski - IP: <michal_majewski@poczta.onet.pl> Lublin, Poland - It was the best site I have ever been to. Mike Wiedner - IP: Rodgers, mn usa - I really enjoyed the your web site. I thought that it was really interesting. I'am related to a King, one of the kings of Norway. His name is Olof Skotkonung.He is a great,great,great,great,great, and a lot more, But he is a grandfather. In the year 1000 he was the king king of both Norway and Sweden. I really wish you would of mentioned him in your web site. But I really did enjoy it a lot and I hope that you have good luck on it because I know you will get a ton kof new visators some time soon. I know that I will defenatly come back to this site soon. Katie - IP: Zimmerman, mn usa - I really enjoyed the your web site. I thought that it was really interesting. I'am related to a King, one of the kings of Norway. His name is Olof Skotkonung.He is a great,great,great,great,great, and a lot more, But he is a grandfather. In the year 1000 he was the king king of both Norway and Sweden. I really wish you would of mentioned him in your web site. But I really did enjoy it a lot and I hope that you have good luck on it because I know you will get a ton kof new visators some time soon. I know that I will defenatly come back to this site soon. Katie Bistodeau Katie - IP: Zimmerman, mn usa - I am a grandson of a Norseman who emmigrated from Andalsnes about 1888. There are still various Ramstad cousins and kin residing there, Sykkylven, and area. My home is Puget Sound in Washington State, upper left corner of USA, a region of steep mountains and deep inlets much like Norway. I am age 60, designer at Boeing Company, and very interested in writing to Norse ladies who would like an American penpal. Second, I would enjoy hearing from other Ramstads in Norway. An excellent webpage. Best Wishes, Dave Ramstad. David A. Ramstad - IP: <dramstad@gte.net> Everett, WA USA - I have enjoyed looking at your site and love reading any thing about Norway. Thank you Hannah - IP: <hannah@hannah-belle.fsnet.co.uk> Milton keynes, Bucks, UK - i was born roger joseph cyr my mother was born in edmonton alberta i was fathered by a man in the navy i belive from norway he was 26 and my mother was 17 he had blue eyes and curly brown hair and loved hocky this was in 1962 i believe because i was born in 1963 if any one out there can help me find my dad pleas contact me at the e-mail above thank you colin colin woodcock - IP: <cwoodcock@hotmail.com> edmonton, canada - Really nice! I am in search of HAMIDA from SISAK! Can anyone help me in finding her? She is about 20 years old..Please contact me. Thank you Sebastien Decnoop - IP: <sdecnoop@hotmail.com> Mechelen, Belgium - I was in Norway a month ago. It is one of the most beautiful countries in the world! I love your site! tina - IP: <tcesarica@yahoo.com> Zagreb, Croatia - i really NEED some links to pics from Reykjavik City...I need them to be able to work on my noevel "HOMOPHOBIA"..can please anyone help me!!!!!! ----please? Alexander - IP: <le.bon@spray.no> Oslo, Norway - Wonderful fotos!!! Congratulations. Diego Barile - IP: <d.barile@ors.it> Alba, CN Italy - Beautiful pictures! Val - IP: <hoigjelle@yahoo.com> Managua, Nicaragua - Enjoyed looking at the pictures of Trondheim. I have not visited Trondheim (yet) but have been to Andalsnes when we stayed at Sykkylven. We stayed with people from Sykkylven Vineyard church there is Trondheim Vineyard church and I would recommend you visit them see http://trondheim.vineyard.no Michael Waterworth - IP: <michael.waterworth@tesco.net> Manchester, United Kingdom - Hi from Canada! Mila Jackson <mila.max@sympatico.ca> Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 21:08:07 (CEST) Hi from Canada! Mila Jackson - IP: <mila.max@sympatico.ca> Toronto, ON Canada - I misspelled my email address on my last mail to you. Anyways, keep the site up! Eldon Barclay <eldonba@mtaonline.net> Collegedale, CA USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 08:34:33 (CEST) I misspelled my email address on my last mail to you. Anyways, keep the site up! Eldon Barclay - IP: <eldonba@mtaonline.net> Collegedale, CA USA - You will be hearing from me soon. Thanks Milton Lewis <kdl@fastransit.net> Lake Charles, MI USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 07:28:21 (CEST) You will be hearing from me soon. Thanks Milton Lewis - IP: <kdl@fastransit.net> Lake Charles, MI USA - Good web with cool info. Thanks. Everd Linten <elin345@aol.com> Henderson, KY USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 04:30:22 (CEST) Good web with cool info. Thanks. Everd Linten - IP: <elin345@aol.com> Henderson, KY USA - Good job! Thanks! Gary Shafer <jdb183@radar.com> Naches, NY USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 02:15:13 (CEST) Good job! Thanks! Gary Shafer - IP: <jdb183@radar.com> Naches, NY USA - I am 54 years, Engineer married and have two kids. ole stenbakken - IP: <Solveig.Stenbakken@mail.tele.dk> Frederikshavn, Denmark - great page tone michelle stokka - IP: <beibz_@hotmail.com> sandnes, norway - great page tonr michelle - IP: <beibz_@hotmail.com> sandnes, norway - I think your site is great! John Smith - IP: <john_lk45@msn.com> United States - love this site tony <tonyfran@webtv.net> San Clemente, CA USA - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 02:09:50 (CEST) love this site tony - IP: <tonyfran@webtv.net> San Clemente, CA USA - hello, nice to be in ur page, good luck and best wishes for future. from rupinder rupinder singh - IP: <rupinder24@hotmail.com> tranby, norwaybut from india - I found your site when looking for info about Norway. Very nice and informative. I have added a link on my site to it, so everybody can enjoy it. I hope adding this link isn't a problem.If so, just let me know, and i will remove it from my site. My site can be found at: http://jkersten.topcities.com Greetings from Holland, Jan Kersten Jan Kersten - IP: <jkersten@chello.nl> Eindhoven, NB Holland - Sweet site. I liked the pics. Anyone with the same last name or relatives with the same last name please contact me. Chris Auseth - IP: <c_auseth@hotmail.com> Shelton, wa usa - Liked the site. Thanks! Felicia Boutin <tex2309@cfl.rr.com> Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 23:30:52 (CEST) Liked the site. Thanks! Felicia Boutin - IP: <tex2309@cfl.rr.com> Toronto, ON Canada - hi i was wondering if any relatives are around world wide my great grandparents game over 1878 trondeim there names arejohn johnson kleivmarken & anna dorthea pederdtr auset.my great grandparents are john & thorbjorg auseth.other relatives dora jordahl on father side his name stenbakken his grandparents are erick & randi stenbakken.if any one has some information for me i would love to hear from you. christine stenbakken schrot - IP: <vettega7D4@ll.net> faribault, mn. usa. - Hello, I didn't remember I had this adress. So I wrote it and I discovered something interesting. I'm not gonna say what so many people have already said but it's true. That doesn't mean i'd like to live there ;-) Did you notice I didn't use your nickname, M...... ? Best regards Nathalie Nathalie - IP: <nadessaux@fr.europost.org> Toulouse, France - it was a pleasure to be home at least for 2 -3 min. im from tr.heim and very home sick so it was medicine to see my place .i have lost many tears for that city no wonder ??? I STILL LOVE THAT PLACE THANKS FOR THE BEAUTIFULL VIEW MISSING PAGE 3 HOPE I DIDNT MISS SO MUCH ALL THE BEST SIMON simon nymark - IP: <joachim hanske> 27216 stotel , germany - ich möchte mich für die schönen bilder aus meiner heimat bedanken habe sehr viel heimweh aber problem die bilder zu drcken ich bedanke mich aller herzlich für die 2 minuten zu hause SIMON NYMARK - IP: <JOACHIM HANSKE> 27216 stotel, germany - AE HAR FRYKTELIG HEIMLENGSEL HJEM DE E NYDELI AA SE BILDER HJEMMEIFRA AE E ROERT TE TAARER SYND AT ITJ PRINTERN E MED PAA GAMET HAAPER DE E FLERE ME SAMME PROBLEM SOM AE HILSER DAE AA ALLE ANDRE SOM VAR MED PA DENNE FOTOSESJON TAKK FOR MAE simon nymark troender iutland - IP: <joachim hanske> stotel , germany - We really enjoy this page from Norway, I was born in Vik i Sogn. Keep up the good work, Per - IP: <Hopper@gvtel.com> Gonvick, Mn. USA - Thank you for the pictoral tour of Trondheim. I can't imagine how my relatives ever left this wonderful place. Thomas Arntsen - IP: <tarntsen@one.net> West Chester, OH USA - Thanks for the introduction to Trondheim, I will be there next week at OASE. great country, wonderful people Steve Coates - IP: <coatesfamily49@aol.com> Llanelli, Wales,UK - What I wouldn't do to spend a few more days in trondheim. Thanks to Silje Michael Zolla - IP: <mikezolla@hotmail.com> Minneapolis, MN USA - Trondheim is a beautiful city Julia - IP: <juliapindpls@hotmail.com> Indianapolis, IN USA - Very good foto from city TRONDHEIM. sveta - IP: <yng@au.ru> murmansk, russia - I'm living in trondheim for a year in august I can't wait to get there thanks for your awesome photos I loved them. michelle - IP: auckland, new zealand - From Norway sin - IP: - Greetings from Newfoundland - May 17th 2001 Noreen O'Neill - IP: <n.oneill@roadrunner>nf.net> St. John's , , Newfoundland Canada - I just got a new email penpal from Trondheim and wanted to see what it was like where she lives. I found your site. Great job! I will return often. Deb - IP: <dptdault@voyager.net> Alpena, MI USA - my grandfather lived in trondheim until he was 12. he then moved to northern minnesota and lived out the rest of his long life. his name was larse aune untill he changed it to louis in the usa. he never talked about norway much i think he missed it and new he would never get back. his parents were ole and merit. they first came to duluth and then to cusson mn. and finally to cook mn. fishing and hunting were a way of life to my grandpa and that tradition is still important to me and my generation. any information about my grandpa and his time in trondheim or any information about our relatives in trondheim would be welcomed. jim aune - IP: <jimaune@webtv.net> cook , mn usa - Hi, Greetings from Finland. ![]() Jari Peltonen - IP: Tampere, FINLAND - Good webpage you have here, You are --> WELCOME <-- to visit my webpage 27 IDX 106 - Odinn - IP: Reykjavik, ICELAND - I thank you for having this website because I have a report due on Norway! Keep up the good work!!! You are a life saver!!!!! *~THANXXX~* Chick - IP: <not yet> does, it matter - Love your pictures, Paal....And I am very glad to know you Michele - IP: <mmwood@triton.net> Cadillac, MI USA - hello dear iwant to ask many things that you want . have you any friend that be under 20 years old? what is him &his adress? doyou want to have mail from meand my girl friend? please send me your photos. thanks bye or arrividerty shahab shahab_sharifi - IP: <rohsharif@yahoo.com> saltlakecity, uth usa - Beautiful page. Great pictures John - IP: <johncologon@yahoo.com.au> Canberra, ACT Australia - hey. det var dødsbra å se noen bilder fra gode gamle trondheim. studerte der i fjor, og jeg savner byen og menneskene utrolig mye! kan liksom ikke helt sammenlingnes med england... to everybody that hasn`t been there: GO! katrini - IP: <katrinioscarsen@hotmail.com> derby, uk - Thanksfor great photos! Its my home town too! I was born there but came over to England when I was two. I'm off for an Easter trip soon, can't wait! It was great to show my friends our beautiful home and to show off! Thanks again! Ha det godt! Elise elise Rohde - IP: <ics0ecr@leeds.ac.uk> leeds, england - Was happy to uncover this History of Norway online. My great grandmother's name was Ragnhild Tollefson Thompson born in Kongsberg, Norway; her husband, Adolph August Thompson was born in Horton, Norway; her brother's name was Carl Tollefson; sister, Olava Tollegfson; son, Carl Thorval Thompson. My family has done a little on family tree; however, from looking at this history of Norway which I've never read before, it seems as if a lot of my ancestors are named after Norweigan royalty, at least. I hope also, as I read others hope to visit Norway. I imagine all the people there have real cool hands to hold. Thanks again! Sincerely, C. I. Hopkins Charlotte Ilene Thompson Kirkpatrick Hopkins - IP: <harmonyjacki@netscape.net> Eagle Point, OR USA - Hi, Lovely pictures. I am a finn living in London. I worked in a fish factory in Norway when I was much younger. It was great...brings back memories. Well all the best. Titta x Titta - IP: <TsrSimp@aol.com> London, England - very interesting pictures.i have many relatives in your city Walter Egil Aalberg - IP: <walter240@webtv.net> otto, n.c. u.s.a. - Cool place after all sites ! Mike Bsk Numero Uno First <mirkec@themail.com> Zagreb, Zg Croatia - Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 16:53:56 (CEST) Cool place after all sites ! Mike Bsk Numero Uno First <mirkec@themail.com> Zagreb, Zg Croatia - Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 16:46:26 (CEST) I enjoyed your website and of course your name. My great grandfather Gundar Myran was born in Norway are we related? Thomas Myran - IP: <tomm.GFS.net.org> Philadelphia, MN USA - Wonderfully done and tasteful Sir Rune...... Good Journeys....Milady Allias Milady Jennifer - IP: <Goodjourney@Talk21.com> McAdenville, NC The States - I just found this site - good job! My grandmother (nee Agnes Carlson) was born in Trondheim and came to the USA in the late 1800's - she married Magnus Alm (born in Lillehammer) and they had 3 or 4 children before moving to Canada, where the rest of their children were born. Two of their children, my uncle and my aunt (Phil Alm and Mildred Laursen), went back a couple of years ago. If there is a way to contact anyone related to us, I would love to hear from you. Thanks for a great page. Linda Linda M. Oakes - IP: <linda@sosinc.ca> Thorhild, AB Canada - i really love this page and helps me lot to know more information about norway. ggod luck and god bless norway... brenda c. buenaventura - IP: <bbuena@yahoo.com> navotas, metro manila philippine - very good pictures... ¿©±â µð°Ô ÁÁ´Ù...»çÁø ¸¹ÀÌ ÆÛ°£´Ù.. ±×·³ ÀßÀÖ¾î¶ó.. ±è»ó¹Î - IP: <supermin@hanmail.net> Seoul, Korea - very good pictures... ¿©±â µð°Ô ÁÁ´Ù...»çÁø ¸¹ÀÌ ÆÛ°£´Ù.. ±×·³ ÀßÀÖ¾î¶ó.. ±è»ó¹Î - IP: <supermin@hanmail.net> Seoul, Korea - Like the pictures on your page! I'm planning to go to Norway this summer, so if you know some nice spots, which I really should see, or know about, please let me know! Greatings from Janneke from Holland janneke van Dijk - IP: <jannekvd@hotmail.com> Utrecht, holland - Who knows anything about the BORGEFJELL- Nationalpark. We want to go haijking there in July and it is absolutely difficult to get information about the park. Please send me a message if you have any idea about gettin information Thanks to all Schorleschorsch schorleschorsch - IP: <schorle.schorsch@gmx.de> Mannheim, germany - It was nice to look your views of Trondhiem, I worked there for seven years back in late seventies. It brought back to me all the happy times I had there Trevor Majer jan 12 2000 Trevor Majer - IP: <Majer@free4all.co.uk.> Lincoln, England - Just found your website and think it is great. Have relatives in Trondhiem and visited them two years ago.. Thanks for bringing back so many good memories of the city.. Robert Johnson - IP: <CUBBYJ@Prodigy.net> Burnsville, Mn U.S.A - Beautiful photos - I would love to visit Norway some day, as my grandmother immigrated from there to the US in the early 1900's. It looks like such a great place to live. Candice - IP: <norsk_18@yahoo.com> Reno, NV USA - Ienjoyed the pictures on this site and want to visit . I would greatly appreciate any help finding relatives of AmPlease feel free to e-mail me. gregory soles at gsoles6368@aol.com andus olsen who is from trondheim,as i am his grandson. Gregory soles - IP: <gsoles6368@aol.com> tualatin, or U.S.A. - Jeg rejse i Norway in 1994. It was great being in Trondheim in summer, and your pictures brought a flood of memories back. This time I coming in January 2000. I hope it'll be just as good as in the summer of 1994. Keep up the good work Inder Mukherjee - IP: <inder@kshema.com> Bangalore, India - Hi !! I have been in Norway this summer and it was great. I met some nice and friendly persons in Grong. So I am intersted in your country and the inhabitants. Your pictures are great. Bye, and hade from Germany, Michi Michi Ruemmer - IP: <juz_karlstadt@hotmail.com> Karlstadt, BY Germany - Hola,yo soy la esposa de Andres rapaport, y aunque no escribo en la lista del cafe,la leo todos los dias y aprecio mucho tus e-mails.Con andres siempre nos reimos y decimos que vos soles poner en palabras aquello que nosotros sentimos y pensamos. Las fotos son hermosas!Como se hace Para pasar el invierno?:-) Saludos Patricia y Andres patricia kleinman - IP: <pkleinman@koncon.nl> Den Haag, Nederland - You must be really happy and proud to live in this wonderful country of BLACK METAL music. I envy you ... Isabella - IP: <izlex@poczta.onet.pl> - Thanks for the great pictures! I have visited Norway several times, also Trondheim, and recognized several familiar places - pictures of which I have now in my photo album too. Brings back many extra nice memories..... Must come again soon! Ha det! Sari - IP: <sari.rask@helsinki.poliisi.fi> Espoo, Finland - We visited your beautiful city and country 20 years ago and both are in our hearts as well as friends Johan and Simone Helgesen. I am trying to locate them and would appreciate any information. Regards, Jim Blanchard Jim Blanchard - IP: <www.warby@alltel.net> Bemus Point, NY USA - Enjoyed the site and comments!! Jeg bodde i Trondhjem i '62, og savner det enda. Hilsen til alle i Erik Jarls gt. 5, særlig Arne Dahlø. David Erick Larsen - IP: <delarsen@cut.net> Fairview, UT USA - ![]() børsting - IP: <espen.boersting@c2i.net> Trondheim, - Hey i loved your page the pics are so so good. I am coming to norway this july and look foward to seeing the sights for my self. ~Keri Norstrom Keri Norstrom - IP: <fishes@lycosmail.com> Calgary, AB Canada - jeg har bod i USA nå et år, og hver gang jeg ser bilder av Trondheim kommer det en tåre til öyet. Jeg savner Trondheim veldig mye. Det er rart å være borte ifra Trondeim så lenge. Så til alle jeg kjenner i Trondheim hilser jeg, og önsker dere lykke til. Frank Bech - IP: <f_bech@hotmail.com> Orem, Ut USA - Er boende her i Usa i ett aar p.g.a min fars arbeid. Kommer hjem i juni/juli 2000. Lette bare etter bilder fra TRondheim som jeg kunne sende med mail til kjaeresten min som bor paa LAde (jeg bor paa Ranheim). Takk.. Martin Almaas - IP: <martinibianco@excite.com> Tuscon, Az USA - Skikkelig hyggelig netside. Bare synd at "viktige" folk ikke godtar bruk av bildeserier, som jo har ført til at side 3 er borte vekk. Hvem som helst kan jo ta bilder av norsk natur, men man "eier" jo ikke Norge av den grunn. Dårlig gjort! Du kan fint ta like bra bilder selv, så ta med kameraet ut og knips som en gal. Denne siden må holdes i live! Nygård - IP: - Enjoyed your Website. We had visited Trondheim when we lived in Norway years ago. Nice memories. Frank Frank Graves - IP: <jfgraves@patriot.net> Burke, VA USA - In doing my family tree (Petersen) I have been unable to find any information beyond my Grandfather's birth in "DRUMOND, NORWAY" and my Great Grandfather's name and my Great Great Grandfather's name. How/Who/What would I contact in Norway to try to find some additional info. Arthur Thomson - IP: <athomson1@capecod.net> Brewster, MA USA - saludos a marianne y pedile que me escriba daniel Welschinger - IP: <wellas@arnet.com.ar> viedma, río negro argentina - Excelente! Ojalá tuviera tiempo para gozar el Asado en el Fiordo ! Buena suerte Raúl Y. Raul Yankelevich - IP: <Docyan@AOL.com> Villanova, PA USA - good job . i came to your site for a school project. mike - IP: canada - I was in Norway in 1989. We had a family reunion and did some travelling. Most of our time was spent visting. Have some pictures of the various sites near Trondheim. I am looking for any of my relatives which may be on the internet, so if you know any Sands, please forward my email address. The pictures are great so I saved some to add to my scrapbook, whenever I get a better printer. Where did you get the pictures from? Belinda DeCap - IP: <naturelady@powersurfr.com> Edmonton, AB Canada - I enjoyed your pictures and hope to visit Norway someday. One Day at a Time Ron Ewert - IP: Seattle, WA USA - Hi All!! I will be in Trondheim the 3rd week in july. This is my first time there and I am staying at the Britania Hotel. Can anyone tell me if you need to rent a car to get around in Trondheim or is the public transportation sufficient to get around and see the sights?? Also, If anyone wants to share sights I may want to see or fun night spots I would greatly appricite it....Thanks...Gary Gary M Marino - IP: <gmarino@rhynecom.com> Nutley, NJ USA - I visited Trondheim as well ar Røros and Oslo back in April of 1998 on a nordic skiing trip with some fellow teammates. It was the best trip of my life and will forever leave an impression. I have to admit I am jealous of Norway's citizens. They have the pleasure of living in a land that its beauty cannot be put in words. Norway is a country of such beauty that it seems it is a fairytale land. Thank-you Norway for being so hospitable. I hope to return again someday. Joel LaFrance - IP: <jlafrance25@yahoo.com> Duluth, MN United States - You know, actually those guys of Aune should PAY you to be publishing their pictures... Anyway, after 10 months living in Colombia, South America,it was nice to see Kafé Gaasa again - I´ve still got a matchbox stolen there in July last year - a Belgian in Colombia Bart Noorderling - IP: <Bart_noorderling@hotmail.com> Cali, Colombia - I am trying to locate a Leif Larsen that lives in Trondheim that owns a white 1972 Mustang Convertible. Can anyone help me locate him? Rex Turner - IP: <rex.turner@mci.com> Arlington, VA USA - Great site, I just dropped by for information on the old vikings for my nieces homework, again great site. and thanks for the info C Gange - IP: <cgange@yahoo.com> melbourne, victoria australia - Nice Page Weaveman - IP: - Had a wonderful visit to Trondheim in March, just ask Nina Wikan at the tourist office. Had I found your site before the trip, would have looked you up. Nice weather. Beautiful city. Very nice people all over Norway. Oslo, Trondheim, Sykkylven... super trip. Ha det... John Palmer - IP: <jpalmer@snowcrest.net> Mount Shasta, CA USA - Hei Terje & Paal!!! Fikk lyst til skrive noen ord til dere siden dere begge er mine navnebrødre. Jeg er født og oppvokst i Trondheim, men har de 11 siste årene bodd i Stavern med min familie. Artige bilder fra min barndomsby! Lykke til! Paal Terje! PS! Vi har jo Paal Terje Jørgensen oxo... Paal Terje Wiig - IP: <ptwiig@online.no> Stavern, Norway - Nice job on the site. Anyone interested in learning about Norway's greatest boxer of all time should come by and visit my site. Thanks. babycyclone - IP: <boxofdaylight@usa.net> WA USA - test test - IP: <test> test, test - I'll be in Trondheim in June/99. It's a beautiful city !!! I'll enjoy every moment ! Alexandre Franco Speziali - IP: <speziali@pobox.com> Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil - Heisan! Morsomt aa endelig finne noen flotte bilder av hjembyen min paa nettet! Var hjemme til 1000-aarsjubileet i 1997, og har saann faelt til hjemlengsel! Hilsen Marianne Marianne Aune Welschinger - IP: <m.a.wel@juno.com> Minneapolis, MN USA - Sentitzen dut ia Ingelesarik edo Norbegiarik ez jakitea, edonola ere oso erabilgarria iruditu zait zuen orria maiatzan trondheima egingo dudan bidaia prestatzeko. ESKERRIK ASKO Emilio Perez - IP: <emiperez@eitb.com> Bilbao, Bizkaia - Thanks for the glimpse of Trondheim, which I look forward to visiting in June. Ron Ritchie - IP: <ron.ritchie@lineone.net> Bristol, England - Hullo!! Really nice site here! Be Seeing You...Chloe Chloe - IP: <chloe77@bigfoot.com> Wilkes-Barre, PA USA - Kjempefine bilder du har lagt ut.veldig bra side! (Takk for bildene:-)) Linda Reitan - IP: <linreita@online.no> Trondheim, Norge - Paal,great job on the page!!As you know one of my friends is norweigan.So this page will help him out a lot!!The home of the awseome band TNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cindy - IP: <trinitrot@worldnet.att.net> USA - Hei og hopp=) Fin side=)) CoWGir| - IP: <tgaasoe@c2i.net> Stange, -- Norway - I like the way you give informations to me. please, give more beautiful pictures in your homepage. I'd like to visit your homepage again see ya!!! wisnu sunandar - IP: <jaws97@yexa.eng.ui.ac.id> jakarta, indonesia - This is a cool sight. I'm doing a project that is due on the twenty third of May and if anyone else has help please e-mail me. bob - IP: <wiz51@hotmail.com> Layton, Utah USA - That's a great page, you've got there. I think I'll stop by again when I've got some more time. Houdoe Johan Hazelberg - IP: <jhazelb@hotmail.com> Venlo, Netherlands - Tusen takk skal du ha! Det var kjempefint aa finne bilder for aa minne meg om Norge og den tiden jeg bodde i Trondheim! Laurie Haugland - IP: Chicago, IL USA - Hi!!! I came across this page (not intended) and I thought I`d youst leave my E-Mail adress Tor Harald Systad - IP: <t_systad@hotmail.com> Odda, Hordaland Norway - Really loved the pictures of Norway-looks so beautiful. Judi Judi Burch - IP: <judi@henderson.net> Henderson, Ky USA - I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed viewing the pics you have here. My boyfriend lives in Trondheim and I am planning on visiting there in mid-April. These pics make me want to get there sooner, if it were possible. Abbie - IP: <Crabby_Abby@yahoo.com> Austin, TX USA - I'll be in Norway next Saturday... looking forward to visiting your beautiful country. Carlos T Rivera - IP: <gysgt_rivera@workmail.com> Jacsonville, NC USA - I've got your sight from my dear friend from Norway.I'm delited with this sight,thank you but have to have thank you In. boris - IP: <boris.feric@sk.tel.hr> Sisak, Croatia - Love your sight. Janice Martin - IP: <jmart@pacifier.com> Astoria, OR USA - Hei på deg hvordan er det med deg da gamle bardun ;=) Så du driver på enda med internett ? Ta deg gjere en tur innom min hjemmeside også Oddbjørn Rømmen <orommen@c2i.net> Norway, - Terrific pictures. My ancestors came from Trondheim so the pictures really help to paint a picture of what Norway is/was like. My great grandfather was married in 1865 in the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim. I hope to visit there soon. Thanks again. Linda Erickson <andylind@inreach.com> Sutter Creek, CA US - Greetings from Latvia! I am a big fan of Norway. I have been there once and I hope I'll be able to return one day! Anita <anita_steinberga@hotmail.com> Riga, Latvia - Hi there. I love your pictures, they brought back soooo many memories from when I grew up there. (which is a long time!) Seeing them reminded me that you could possibly help me. I still have one living relative in Trondheim, and I am trying to find out if she has a computer and Net.(E-mail). I have some info, such as address, so maybe you could steer me in the right direction of where to search? Any help wil be greatly appriciated. By the way, I just found the rest of my family in Denmark after 30 years, isn't that incredible? På forhånd, mange tusen tak, Annelise Annelise Jensen Young <Annelisey @aol.com> Wilkes-Barre, Pa USA - Thank you so much for sharing pictures of your country. Living here in Canada, where we think that we have some rather old buildings, I tend to forget how much older your county is than ours.Everything looks as though it came straight out of a Fairy Tale. I can now better relate to my internet quilting friend from your City.Thank you for your wonderful site. Evelyn Christian <edchris@nb.sympatico.ca> Canada - Hello this is you cousin from minnestoa. I really like the pictures you have on this site. it really gives me an idea what it is like oner there. Talk to you soon kay marvig <makm40@aol.com> hawley, mn 56549 - You've heard it a million times, but the photographs are absolutely stunning! I plan to visit Trondheim in the Summer of 1999, and I truly am looking forward to it... I will definately bring a camera along as well. Thanks for all of the info, history and photos; this is a remarkable page that has made it's way into my "Favorites" files. Keep up the great work, and let us know if there are additions to your photo gallery. Daniel G Zealand <haggis22@prodigy.net> Upland, CA U.S.A - You've heard it a million times, but the photographs are absolutely stunning! I plan to visit Trondheim in the Summer of 1999, and I truly am looking forward to it... I will definately bring a camera along as well. Thanks for all of the info, history and photos; this is a remarkable page that has made it's way into my "Favorites" files. Keep up the great work, and flet us know if there are additions to your photo gallery. Daniel G Zealand <haggis22@prodigy.net> Upland, CA U.S.A - a nice website but i wish you had some more pictures keenan johnston <Keenan508> chicago, Illinois U.S. - Bonjour, Je trouve votre site très réussi, et très agréable esthétiquement. Il me rappelle également que la Norvège reste un de mes pays préférés, car un des plus beau qui soit selon moi : après mon séjour à Stavenger, il me faut donc absolument retourner en Norvège pour retrouver cette nature, ces fjords grandioses, pour garder une âme sensible, profonde, et éternelle Bonne continuation, Nicolas Boucher ____________________________________________________________ Translation : I find your site to be a succes from every points of view and specially from the design point of view. It makes me also remember that Norway is one of my favourite country, because it's really beautiful : after my trip to Stavenger, I must go back to Norway, to find those beautiful landscape again, to see this powerful nature which brings you a sensible soul (spirit), a deep and eternal soul. Your are lucky to live in Norway, even if I also recommand you the beauty of France ! Nicolas BOUCHER <nboucher@ifhamy.insa-lyon.fr> AURILLAC, FRANCE - Loved it...thank you..i'm going to visit Trondheim in a month and after seeing these pics i'm far more excited and very glad that i'll get the chance to know This country! All of Norway is really amazing :) Add more pictures whenever you can! See you around :) Madeleine <candle@microplanet.com.br> Brasil - Kul side, jeg var i norge for to måneder siden, men været var meget dårlig. Sansynlig kommer jeg tilbake neste året og jeg hoper at været er lit bedre da. Hilsen fra nederland Werner Hietbrink <+31654607896@gin.nl> Holland - Hei Paal! Wow - really great pics! I am a big fan of Norway and after 7 years I will travel to this beautiful country next year again. I will pass Trondheim, too. Nice greetings from Austria Horst Horst Gassner <h.gassner@gmx.net> Plainfeld, Austria - Dette er flott Norges-reklame - både bildene og historikken. Jeg har tipset mine danske venner om hvor de kan finne de smukkeste bilder fra de norske bjerge. Men du må sjekke link'ene dine. Det er ikke alle som virker lenger. Svein S. Johansen <ssj1000@sn.no> Askim, Norway - Great City. Good hockey team, 6 of them are Canadian. I visited in March 98, with the Royal Canadian Navy and had a pretty good drunk dere eh! Cheers! Scott Harrigan <karenharrigan@sprint.ca> Halifax, NS Canada - Norway is a beauteful country Steve Mars <mars@hotmail.com> Brighton, England - Hei NORGE!!!! vi savne dakker alle . Her i Maryland er det helt topp, men ingenting er bedre enn gamlelandet Norge.Vi er utvekslingsstudenter her, og koooooooooser oss med vaar nye "familie".Sender kjempestore hilsener og klemmer til alle mine venner i hjembyen Trondheim, Eirik, Hilde, Trine, Kristine, Kjersti, mamma, pappa og min kjere bror Espen. Siri sender klemmer til Anki, Marie, Elisabeth , Mamma og Pappa i Stavanger. LOVE SIRI TONNESSEN OG STINE HAARBERG!!!!!! Anneleen says hi, she's from Holland siri og stine <bruceo@erols.com> Laurel, MMD USA - Greetings from the Emerald Isle. I really dig your web site. If your ever in Ireland you'll see some great sites too. Slán agus Beannacht.Kitty(Kate). Write to me at the above address!!! Kate <Kittshiels@iol.ie> Donegal , Ireland - I liked the pictures. they were a great way to see what it looks like in Norway. rachel brunton <pekkle129@aol.com> Kent, WA USA - HEI KJÆRE BROR!! Dette hadde du vel aldri ventet, men jeg måtte bare skryte av dine lekre hjemmesider til familien som er i besittelse av internett og sånt. Benyttet anledningen til å sende deg en kjærlig og søsterlig hilsen - det er ikke sikkert jeg får flere sjanser - vi er jo ikke koplet til "nettet" hjemme vi, vet du. P.s hils til Lars Melhus fra alle oss da!! Snakkes!! Trudelutt Kristiansen <Hakkeno - jeg!!> Trondheim, Norge - God jul og Godt nyttår, Pål!! Hilsen jeg som er niesen til søstera di. Mari Malm Mørkved <marimm84@hotmail.com> Trondheim, Norge - Many thanks for sharing the beautiful photos! Please come to the USA...just once! You guys are truly unique. Rock 'n Roll .... Nikki Short Nicole Renee Short <Paradive@netwide.net> Tucson, AZ USA - Many thanks for sharing the beautiful photos! Please come to the USA...just once! You guys are truly unique. Rock 'n Roll .... Nikki Short Nicole Renee Short <Paradive@netwide.net> Tucson, AZ USA - Many thanks for sharing the beautiful photos! Please come to the USA...just once! You guys are truly unique. Rock 'n Roll .... Nikki Short Nicole Renee Short <Paradive@netwide.net> Tucson, AZ USA - The photos are magnificent! Thanks for sharing, as always. TNT is a really ROCKIN' group...I'm SO GLAD I have atleast one of your cd's..I can never hear it loud enough!! Keep up the excellent work. Nicole Short, Tucson, Arizona :) Nikki Renee Short <Paradive@netwide.net> Tucson, AZ USA - Mist skriftfargen eller skift bakgrunnsfarge*Smiler* Ellers er siden topp og bildene flotte! Fortsett som du stevner! Innmari & Hege Skrogstad Trondheim, Norway - ![]() Oddbjørn Rømmen <orommen@trondernett.no> Dog Hammer, Norway - You have some very beautiful pictures here. My grandparents are coming back from Norway today, they are there for a friends wedding. I can't wait till my senior year,(1 year) I get to go to Norway as a graduation gift. Toni K. T. <Redneck980@AOL.Com> North Canton, OH USA - Great Site! I plan to go to Norway on a trip I am taking and this just lets me know what I can plan to see! TNT fans can email me, especially since the band is the reason I found this site. Wendy <TXguitrgrl@aol.com> Huntsville, TX USA - Hei, Jeg har bort i Trondheim for 3 ar, 2 ar siden. Your pictures brought back some wonderful memories. Jeg er ensom for Trondheim veldig ofte. Du kan scriv til meg vis du vil.Again a very nice job on your pictures. Roma LeMesurier <Denist@nb.sympatico.ca> Campbellton, NNB Canada - Most of my ancestry is Norwegian. I dream one day visiting Norway in person. Your page is wonderful! Peter Hazelberg <haze6472@csd.uwm.edu> Waukesha, WI USA - Very nice page! Pretty pictures! Carol Cauthen <ccauthen@burke.com> Dallas, TX United States - Hi Paal, nice to see all those beautiful pictures from Norway. I just love Norway and I have been there many times. In fact I'm going to Oslo again next week (for the second time this year!). Maybe sometime I'll visit Trondheim too, especially if TNT plays there. Anne Toivanen <anne.toivanen@kuopio.fi> Kuopio, Finland - I appreciate your site and the effort put into it. My grandmother was born in trondheim and came to the States in the early 1900"s. The closest I ever got to your city was Bergen when I took the train from Oslo. Thanks to you, the Internet, and your site, I now have traveled to my Grandmother's home. Thanks! steve smith <steve22@worlenet.att.net> Dallas, TX USA - I met some Norwegians on my vacation in Bulgary and they are really great people!! Sander <0514000@ptfe30.hro.nl> Holland - Hei Pål Kristiansen! Fin side! Egentlig prøvde jeg å finne en side som jeg kunne tipse mine venner i Canada om, og dette kan vere et alternativ! And to all you people out there who doesn't speak Norwegian enjoy this site! Hemmeli! <Hemm@elli> Restricted area, Norway - Hallo Pål... Kul side.. hadde tenkt og lage noe lignende fra Karasjok.. Frode Tangen <poo@internet.no> Karasjok, Norway - Just found this page.. and just met the maker of this page.. seems to be like a very nice guy... I gues all I can says is... everyone that reads this please go out and buy a TNT CD... I promise everyone that you will like it.. don't matter which one you buy.. there all good... keep rocking and don't forget to buy a TNT CD.. Friends to All Lott Hughes <shorin@norcom2000.com> Collinsville , IL USA - Beautiful pictures, I really look forward to spend a year in Norway as an exchange student! see ya! Lisa Thordardottir <lindar@rhi.hi.is> Reykjavik, Iceland - Hei, tosi hieno sivu! Terveisiä! Satu <Satu.utu.fi> Turku, Finland - A big "Howdy" from Texas! Great web page, and I especially like the pictures of Norway. I'm planning to visit in the near future, and perhaps see a friend I have not seen since we were working at Walt Disney World, Florida. Drop me a line sometime. Regards, Jessie Pinon IV Jessie Pinon IV <jespinon@mail.utep.edu> El Paso, TX USA - hi paal, kool pic Jana <scarmickay@genesisnet.net> Blair, NE USA - This is a great page!!!!!!!! I love it Laura Stevens <nope> Amsterdam, Holland - Congratulation on your nice site! Unfortunately it takes an eternity to download the pages. I suggest that you add videos to download, like a tall viking saying: jeg er full to the net. That would be great! Regards, Cybervincent Cybervincent <nicolli@iprolink.ch> - This is very good place.Great job done.Keep on working this way. Zinka <Zinka@hotbot.com> Zagreb, CROATIA - Hey !Sinnsykt kult navn du har ! Skikkelig fin side du har her , stikk innom min for noen lignende bilder ! Pål Kristiansen <pal@sofus.hiof.no> Halden, Norway - Excellent site. As a norwegian decendant I am always interested in the history and hope to some day visit Nowway. My father as a boy spoke only Norwegian. All the Paulson (son of Paul) from Enderud Norway now live in Minesota USA. Thanks again. John Paulson <jcpa@chevron.com> Richmond, CA Contra Costa - Thank you for your pictures. I used them for my book report at school Justin Justin Christensen <a0823@slkc.uswest.net> Salt Lake City, Ut USA - Hey Pål! Great page and great pictures!! I've been wanting to come see Norway ever since Knights came out. And Tony always told me how beautiful it is. I really wish I could come visit, but then Norway's alcohol supply would go right down the tubes. I'll have to hide in Tony's suitcase sometime. ;) Well, I'll see you in the #tnt channel as usual. :) Take care, ~michael Michael <flapper@thecore.com> NJ USA - Greetings from Canada. Interesting Page! I can see that you have put lots of work into it! My robot and I were led here by the great list of guestbooks My homepage contains no useful information but it contains a weird and wonderful links page as well as an Interesting Facts page. Drop by and sign my guestbook or add a link to my Free for All Links Page! While your there, tell me a joke by adding to my Joke Book! Yesterday upon the stairs, I saw a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish that man would go away! JMW! <jmw@intranet.ca> Ottawa, Ontario Canada - EXCELLENT SITE !!! Hope you can visit the lair soon ! Rick Storey <rex7faroc.com.au> - This is very nice place.Great job.Pavle Spoljaric <Pavle.Spoljaric@hina.hr> Zagreb, CROATIA - Great page. But this message will be short because I have to get back to chatting with you on IRC in #ChristianSupport, the best channel on the internet... Melissa ON Canada - TUSEN TAKK FOR BILDENE. DE VAR KJEMPEFINE. venke eriksen <bassetp@ozemail.com.au> cairns, qld australia - The "Electric Dancer" stopped by to bring you warm greetings on a cold, "Desperate Night"! ;) Like the site, by the way. Nice work! Brenda <luiten@net-link.net> U.S.A. - You gotta LOVE Norway, Hilsen fra America, Ha det bra Peter Sims <simsp@caedm.et.byu.edu> Orem, Ut Utah - You gotta LOVE Norway, Hilsen fra America Hadde bra Pete Peter Sims <simsp@caedm.et.byu.edu> Orem, Ut Utah - Thank you for your homepage. My mother is living in Oslo for 2 years. Granparents from Tronheim. Many wonderful storys from my Grandparents told to me. Grandfather was an artist. Would draw many pictures of Trondheim when I was a child. I still have them. Love your pictures. My family is there looking for family. Will be more family on the way to Trondhiem in July. Thank you for sharing your beautiful country. If you have time to E-mail me back would like to push some names your way to help find family. I know I should have several family members still living there. Lost touch when Grandparents passed away. Thank You for your time Dana Dana <a0823@slkc.uswest.net> Salt Lake City, UT United States - Hello Hau, Cool page!! I will visit again! Dawn J. <Rebmevon@ix.netcom.com> Saint Paul, MN USA - WE ARE LOOKING FOR A PICTURE OF KING HARALD. AUBRY WOODBRIDGE <WOODY45678@AOL.COM> JACKSONVILLE, FL USA - Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures :) Mandy - Hi Hau-, Chatted with you earlier tonight! Just had to see your home page. It is terrific. I'll be back! Emma Price <eprice@carswell.com> Calgary, AB Canada - Thanks for the pictures. In three seperate trips I've spent over two years of my life in Norway and have many fond memories. Michael Holmstrom UT USA - Very nice pictures. Mike Gough <mikey@connect.ab.ca> Canada - Hei Paal! Stakk innom en tor, for aa se hp Hjemmesida di. Slett ikke ille :-) Hils kjentfolk.. Steinar Stjerna <steinars@stud.osir.hihm.no> Trondheim, Norge - Hei og tak for sist Erik Houmb <Erik.Houmb@oceanor.no> Trondheim, Norway - TAKK FOR AT DU BESØKTE DEN ENORME DÅRLIGE HJEMMESIDA. GLEDER MEG TIL TNT SIDA BLIR FERDIG. SEE YA PÅL. TERJE. TERJE SINGSTAD <tsingsta@sn.no.> TRONDHEIM, NORWAY - God jul og godt nyttår, Pål. PS: Visste du at det er en Burger-restaurant på Hitra som heter Valhall ? Håndball-turneringen har satt spor ? Svein H. Antonsen - Lovely pictures, please add more. Mike Hatwell <mike@opal.co.il> Rehovot, Israel - I look forward to your additions. Cannot believe that I found over 17000 entries about Trondheim (I was born there) while browsing the net. Solveig Roald Myhre Darner Laguna Niguel, CA USA -