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System messages from MultiNet AS:

Get the messages on email:
You now have the possibillity to get our system messages by email. Fill in your email adress in the field below and click the "Meld deg på" button. 

If you have mobilpost service (SMS), we recommend you to add this adress aswell..

Telenor offer SMS for its customers who has registered using this adress

Netcom now charges for this service. You will have to order GSMPost at 10NOK a month. How to order:

Ordering through SMS:

Write the following SMS on your cellular: GSMPOST

Send the message to 1989

During the next 24 hours you will recieve the follwing SMS on your phone: Du har nå tegnet abonnement på GSMpost. Det forutsettes at du har gjort deg kjent med avtalevilkårene som du kan finne på Abonnementet vil nå være registrert hos NetCom og du kan fritt benytte deg av tjenesten.

This message means that the service is activated.

Our messages concerning system status are usually small, and you will recieve them on your phone without having to check your email or read our webpages.